Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rats! We Have Bats!

Between a broken laptop screen and a recent infection (in my body, not my laptop), I have been completely absent from the Internet. Now that I have a new (yes new, woohoo!) laptop and several antibiotic doses in me, I'm back online wasting my time. Or honing my creative writing skills. Perception is everything.

Because I hadn't blogged for days, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to come up with anything. This proved to be a needless fear. I should have known.

The evening I returned home with my spankin' new computer, a bat flew into our garage, then circled round and round, unable to find the exit. Yes. A bat. It finally found a way out, directly into the almost-finished French door room, so we all hovered around the doorway watching the bat circle the blue walls. I observed, captivated, until it darted towards the spot where I sat--operative word: sat -- unable to quickly stand up and run away. I returned to the living room while the rest of the crew monitored the rat with wings.

When Carl and the girls joined me, I asked them where the bat was. "In the French door room hanging from the trim," they answered, looking at me with duh all over their faces.

"Oh, no. No, no, no. The bat has to go."

Carl immediately got up and said, "I'll get it out of the French door room." A little too immediately. After nearly fifteen years of marriage, I know how his deceptive mind works.

"Outside. The bat goes outside. Out. Side."

"I'll see what I can do," he said.

Keep in mind, we don't have curtains on any of the four French-door-room windows. When the lights are on at night, being in that room is like being on a drive-in movie screen. So what did Carl do to free the bat? He opened the French doors (which face the street, by the way), stood on the bed, and shooed out the bat. In his underwear.

Holy bat-show, Batman.


Aunt Julie said...

If you're ever in Austin, Texas, go down to the Congress Street Bridge, which crosses the Colorado River into South Austin. If you arrive around sunset, you'll see a huge swarm of bats--hundreds, maybe thousands?--that live under the bridge set out on their nightly excursions. People actually bring picnics down there to watch the bats swarm-unbelievable! Glad you're back and that you've joined the Blogosphere with a new computer. Hope to see ya soon!

Laurie said...

Bats flew down our chimney twice when we were kids. They cruised around the whole place, including the bedrooms. We had BUNK BEDS; what a way to wake up! After one of them wedged itself between a ceiling beam and the ceiling, my dad had to retrieve it with kitchen tongs. And that, Angela, is why my family has ever since referred to that kitchen utensil as "The Batcatchers."

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you. Yay for the new laptop. Boo for the infection. Props for the last line. Husbands are amusing, well, sometimes.


Angela said...

Veggie Mom: Ack! I can't imagine. That would be my crew, though--packing a picnic to watch the show. Thanks for the info!

Angela said...

Laurie: I'll never look at kitchen tongs the same! See you soon!

Angela said...

Ammey: Thanks for the compliment. I'm kicking the infection. Carl amuses me more often than he angers me...mostly. :) I'm glad to be back!

Unknown said...

hi angela ~


loved the ending with the d'wear bit. hahaha. for all the neighbors to see.

:) kathleen