Thursday, June 26, 2008

Countdown to Forty

With only a few short hours remaining in my thirties, I sit here on my couch tap-tap-tapping at my laptop. I'm beginning this post at 7:45 p.m. Carl has just returned home from work with the happy, glazed look in his eye that tells me he wrapped up his Thursday route doing a job for a long-time buddy. He brought home critters (lizards and God knows what else) and is outside with the girls, assembling the "critter pen" he spent the last two weekends building.

I griped to Sheri earlier today about Carl's lack of priorities, but all the steam blew out of that train when I saw how happy he and the girls are at this moment. Not to mention I spent the entire--and I mean entire--weekend revising my Guideposts submission and have nothing nearly as substantial as a "critter pen" to show for it.

Turning forty tomorrow feels pivotal, though I know that's probably the most pedestrian statement I could possibly make. I'm excited about the birthday, though. Pivotal is positive for me. I happily gave my thirties to my growing family, staying home to raise the girls, even home schooling them. It's been the most rewarding, most thankless, most invisible job I've ever had and it's not done yet.

But the girls are older now and very independent, thanks to the superior parenting they've received. Snort. They're independent because they've had to be. Can't get your zipper up? Tough. Either can I. Hungry? Let me tell you how to make spaghetti while I sit exhausted-for-no-apparent-reason on the couch. You're sick of peanut-butter-and-jelly? How about peanut-butter-and-honey. Bananas?

Now that I'm turning forty I find myself frequently thinking, I'm practically forty. I don't have time for that crap about a lot of...well...crap I've made time for. In a way turning forty and having almost debilitating arthritis is liberating. I need to have fun and enjoy life while I can. I give myself permission to do things that otherwise I might put off until I'm older, more financially secure, can fill in the blank.

So tonight I'm toasting my thirties with a nice glass of white zinfandel, saying:
so long,
it's been nice,
but I'm glad you're leaving.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTH DAY! to you...
HAPPY BIRTH DAY! to you...
HAPPY BIRTH DAY! to Aaannnngelaaaaaa!
HAPPY BIRTH DAY! to yoooou!
and many mooooorrrrrre!


Drink that wine girl, drink it!

"Snort. They're independent because they've had to be. Can't get your zipper up? Tough. Either can I. Hungry? Let me tell you how to make spaghetti while I sit exhausted-for-no-apparent-reaon on the couch."

I am so tickled I am not the only mom on the continent that has her kids learning to cook. Nevermind the reason why, I think it is a great thing for them, so you can give yourself a pat on the back. I consider it a form of homeschooling, Home Ec. that is.

Megan said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Everything is great here. Busy as usual. I hope you have a blessed birthday.
You and I seem to have adopted the same moto in life. I am ready to allow myself to also start having some fun. Why wait!! So far I have spent all of my time at, cooking, taking care of the kids....Anyways, I can't remember the last time I did anything fun for myself. That is why I took that job. I just can't get Matt to understand why. He thinks it is a huge waste of time for me!!
Well, love ya.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, my friend. and, OPA!!! I wish you joy.

Tara R. said...

♫ Happy Birthday to You! ♫

Forty is easy! It's time to enjoy yourself now, let the peeps cater to you.

I'll raise a glass of wine to you tonight.

Aunt Julie said...

Recipe Alert! Aunt Julie bakes a Strawberry Rhubarb pie at Check it out!

Unknown said...

hi angela -- congrats. you know the saying. you're not getting older, you're getting better.

i turn 40 in august.

we can always be a kid at heart and it doesn't matter what number we are.

you made me giggle when i saw the **snort** part.

happy bday to ya girlie :)
you're earned it, every day.

blessings, kathleen :)