Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome Home Katherine!

In late February Hannah's classmate, Katherine, was shot in the temple while she played in her yard. The doctors didn't expect her to live. If she did live, they expected her to be severely brain damaged.

Katherine has defied the odds. Not only did she live, but she has improved to the point that she came home yesterday. A few people from our small town immediately organized a welcome-home parade that hundreds attended with very little notice. Katherine's family received a police escort through town while people waved homemade signs, screamed "Welcome Home Katherine!" at the top of their lungs, and honked the horns on their scooters.

When I first saw the flashing police car lights, the crowd went crazy. A sudden warmth caused by gratitude and a sense of well-being flooded my body--and everyone else's if you noticed the tears flowing. Katherine's family and community turned a tragedy into something good, something that brought us all together and gave us hope and awe. In a world dominated by bad news and negativity, our little story shone like a bright, spring day.

Following are some pictures and news footage from the event:

This picture was taken early. Eventually the background was filled with people.


This is one small group of people waiting for Katherine's family to drive into town.


This cutie is a classmate of Hannah's and Katherine's.


Jenna, Hailey and Katie with their signs.


Being barely computer literate, I don't know how to embed the actual video into my blog, but if you click the link below you can watch a 3½-minute news video about Katherine's journey and arrival home.


Laurie said...

um? Shot in the temple? Surely this made national news- was I not paying attention? I am so very happy for Katherine, her family and your community.

Laurie said...

OK, watched the video. I remember your blog post about it now. Maybe I had forgotten because it is such a surreal story. Or maybe because of denial. Anyway, another example of life changing in the blink of an eye.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am praying for that little girl. I did not see this on the news either. I hope that this family gets all that they need for her in the educational system. She's a survivor though bless her heart.

Angela said...

Laurie: I should have posted a few more details instead of just linking Katherine's name. "Surreal" is exactly what it was. The incident occurred in their new town near Kansas City, not in our little town, and they still don't know where the bullet originated.

Ammey: Katherine was a "model" (P.C. for "normal") student in Hannah's classroom, and much-loved. If they stay in this area (doubtful), I've wondered if she would remain in the same classroom as a special needs child. One thing is certain: Katherine's mom will ensure that they receive everything they need.

Unknown said...

awh angela,

thank you for posting this. so heartwarming. beautiful how the community reacted to a horrible thing.

blessings to that family, kathleen :)

Angela said...

Kathleen: It truely was a wonderful reaction to a tragic event. By the way, their family is mormon.


Unknown said...
