Friday, April 25, 2008

Prayers, Positive Thoughts...I'll Take What I Can Get

I'm leaving for Tulsa in fifteen minutes to meet with my doctor for the second time. He'll tell me the results of the blood tests that were run on the seven vials of blood drained from me. Then he will prescribe the Antibiotic Protocol...I hope.

I'm much more comfortable with the written word than I am with face-to-face contact, so I'm a little nervous about this visit. I'm confident that I could persuade Dr. B. to prescribe exactly what I want if I could complete our entire meeting via e-mail. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a doctor who is willing to do that.

At this moment I fear that he will suddenly refuse what he has already promised, or require that I accept a slightly different medication than I believe I need. So, I'm asking for your prayers, positive thoughts, whatever you believe at 1:15 today. Any time is fine, but that's my appointment time. I want the AP by the book, I want a couple of other prescriptions to deal with Candida and other issues that usually tag along with the AP, and I want it all delivered with a positive attitude and well wishes.

Is that too much to ask?


Tara R. said...

Fingers crossed that your appointment went as well as you hoped.

Meg said...

I hope it goes well. Be strong and don't feel bad about making demands. It's your right as a patient.

Angela said...

Tara: Thanks for the well-wishes. It worked: everything went better than expected!

Meg: I agree. After 20 years of this, I've decided to demand what I want. So far, so good.

Thanks for commenting!

Laurie said...

Sounds like the outcome was good...? Everything you wanted?
I was in a FREEZING conference room all day Friday, so did not see post, but you always have a part of my heart.

Anonymous said...

I hope it went well!

Angela said...

Laurie: sorry for the conference room--that doesn't sound like any fun at all. Hey, the school year is almost over!

Ammeu: It actually DID go very well. I'm at least on a path headed for the road I desire.

Angela said...

Oops--I meant AmmeY!