Sunday, April 13, 2008


I'm still working on taxes. Yes, on Sunday. In addition, my mother-in-law will be arriving in about an hour and a half to stay until Wednesday. Normally, people would cringe at that thought, but I'm looking forward to it. She's coming to help me with my laundry at my request. Yippee!!!

Just a quick post. Hannah entered the living room looking like this just after my mother-in-law dropped off a chocolate pie (don't be confused; she travelled through on her way to Branson and is stopping to stay on her way back today.) ANYHOW, I asked Hannah, "Have you been in Grandma Louise's chocolate pie?"

She answered, sounding a little like Homer Simpson, "NDo!"

What do you think?

Note to Sheri--I'm still planning to tell all soon! Bwah ha ha ha!!!


Tara R. said...

You think? Love that smile!

Laurie said...

I am thinking back to your "Lies, lies, lies" post, and trying to imagine how you could possibly be asking the wrong question in this instance. Maybe you need to say, "Hannah, how did you get chocolate and meringue all over your face?" But I know Rose doesn't really get those "how" questions... She'll say something that starts with, "Watause.." (because) and I know I'm in for a non-answer.

Angela said...

Thanks, Tara. We call that her cheezer-weezer smile.

Laurie: You would think I'd have learned by now. :) Maybe I could've asked how many pieces of pie she had. I get a kick out of the obvious lie, but I'm probably sowing a seed I don't want to reap!

Just Do It Posterchild said...

Love the the way, I'm afraid....very, very afraid!!!
Sher :)

Just Do It Posterchild said...

P.S. I thought with the title "Busted" I was ratted out for sure!!

Momo Fali said...

My daughter probably would've tried to claim it was a new brand of toothpaste!

As told by her mom, Sandy... said...

Hi! I found your blog while searching for Dandy Walker stories. My own little girl was diagnosed with questionable DWV prenatally but genetics doctors really havn't a clue what she has now. She has a hypoplastic vermis, mild hypoplasia of the brain stem and depending on who you ask, hypoplasia of the corpus collosum. The next step would be the Dr. Dobyns research study but I don't know if that will be helpful or not for her at this point. I feel like she's been through so much testing already and making her a guneia pig for the sake of science just doesn't seem beneficial.

Anyway, I am just looking to connect with other parents who were faced with similar situations. I've spent the last hour reading all about your beautiful family and precious Hannah! She is so pretty!

My Madeline is 15 months. She's fantastic. Doctors suggested we terminate her. Makes me mad to think about.

Anyway, I have some questions for you if you're up for them about Hannah's development. I realize that every DW child is so different and the diagnosis is different on many levels. Did you seek out Dr. Dobyns?

Sorry for the unsolicited post. I really enjoyed reading your story!

Cheffie-Mom said...

That picture is AWESOME!!!

Angela said...

Sheri! I got to thinking after our trip today...I DIDN'T RESPOND! ACK!!! Now that it's been a week...I must muster the brain cells and memory to do last week justice!