Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Building Project Continues

Last week's torrential rainfall revealed a new water leak in our building project, in the very room being painted and hopefully floored (floored?) next week. I freaked out. After remaining patient for seven years, I suddenly became an inpatient lunatic. That's a slight exaggeration. Slight.

The building project has magnified Carl's and my differences. He's the everything-will-turn-out-fine type. I'm the micromanaging, hyper-pre-planning type. Even though it benefits me, I get irritated when he doesn't plan something, then everything falls into place. Like the water leak.

"We were going to lay flooring in a few days. What if we had? Where else is it going to leak?" I worried aloud yesterday morning.

"But we didn't and it isn't. It's a good thing it rained when it did. Everything's going to be fine." Grrr.

"You'll work with Matt before he leaves today, right?" I asked, wanting Matt's input before the weekend.

"Yeah, sure."

I left it at that until I returned from getting the girls from school. Matt, (Isabella's daddy by the way), went to the Hardware store. "Did you guys figure out the water leak?" I asked Carl, assuming they had and wanting to hear the results.

"No," Carl said with a deflated look.

"Oh." Pause. "I know you think I'm nagging, but two heads are better than one."

"Yeah," Carl said with an emphasis that prompted me to ask, "Yeah I'm nagging, or yeah two heads are better than one?"

"Yeah," was all he answered. Got it.

Today I traveled to Lowe's to purchase a bathroom door and vanity, a shop vac and six metal thingys that protect the outside corner of sheetrock. Though the trip was previously planned, I knew my absence would do more to preserve our marriage than several hours of marital counseling. While I purchased the aforementioned items, Carl repaired the leak, installed some trim, placed insulation and sheetrock and more. All without my input. Imagine that.


Laurie said...

You know what I'm wondering, is did you MEAN to put "inpatient lunatic"- as in, institutionalized? Because either way, that's a good one... Glad you got to go to Lowe's, glad you all had the leak pre-floor installation, glad it's fixed, glad you have a sense of humor about it. xoxox

Tara R. said...

I learned watching my (now divorced) parents argue about wallpapering that my husband and I should not engage in home repairs together. He does them, I check to see if he needs water, food, tools. and basically leave him alone. That's worked for us. =)

Angela said...

Oh Laurie! I looked at that sentence more than once before publishing, thinking something was wrong, then deciding my eye simply noticed the double use of the word "patient." I wish I would've intended it, but it was merely a happy mistake. I'm leaving it. :)

Tara: My dreams of being Miriam & Dean (from TV's "Hometime") have been dashed. Now I'm trying to stay out of the way and act impressed. Not much acting involved, though. Provide food and drink? What a great idea!