Thursday, April 3, 2008

K-State Creativity

The PTO is raffling baskets this Friday and assigned a theme to each class, giving Hailey's class "K-State." I purchased a couple of K-State beach towels from Amazon, but Hailey wanted to add a personal touch. She designed and embroidered this tea towel.

The creativity gene skipped a generation between Grandma Janis and Hailey. I'm glad to see it wasn't lost altogether.

With KU in the NCAA final four, it's too bad we didn't have a KU basket. No finger-pointing here, though. I attended the PTO meeting at which the chose the basket themes and didn't think of it myself. You know what they say about hindsight.


Tara R. said...

Nice job Hailey! Yeah, that artistic gene skipped me too... =)

Laurie said...

OK, I LOVE that she both HAD the idea and followed through. Having BOTH of those qualities will get her far in life.