Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Shoe Guilt

This past Friday I did something I haven't done in over five years. I bought new dress shoes. I also purchased new tennis shoes to replace my current, two-year-old tennies . Here they are.

Because my feet are splayed as a result of the arthritis, I need shoes with a large toe box (the part of the shoe that protects the toe and ball of the foot). No pointy-toed stilettos for me, which really breaks my heart. One doesn't find good shoes with wide toe boxes at Super-mart or the local discount shoe store. No, I spent a fortune on the shoes above.

Carl and I have lately discussed saving for nice family vacation, which this purchase slightly set back. So as I drove home from my planned shopping spree, I suffered from sticker shock and guilt proportional to the drop in my bank account. How did I handle that? I called mom, counting on her to say all the things moms say: You need to take care of yourself, too and When is the last time you did something for yourself? To the second one I had to admit to having my nails done while Carl kept Hannah.

However, I still took comfort in the fact that I hadn't purchased dress shoes since before Hannah's birth. For the past two years these are the shoes I've worn with everything: shorts, jeans, black dress slacks...everything.

I have felt like the goob with flashlight feet. Numerous children have asked me if I can boing or if I can jump really high with these shoes, probably visualizing Tigger's bouncing on his tail. On the positive side, I haven't worried about what shoes I would wear for the same two years.

However, these thoughts coupled with mom's reassurance still didn't erase my last little guilty-mom feeling that my needs deprived the rest of my family. Hesitating because she never wants to cause turmoil, Mom finally said, "Think of it this way. How much did Carl spend on his deer head?"

I spent slightly more than it cost Carl to stuff this sucker in February, but my guilt is lifted. And my shoes are much better looking than a dead animal on the wall.


Tara R. said...

I know I should do better about picking out shoes since my RA has moved into my feet too, but I just take off my shoes at work...right now, that works. I can see in the not to distant future that plan will start to suck.

Anonymous said...

What a great mom we have. She always thinks of just the right things to say. How blessed we are!!!

What are you going to wear with the brown shoes on the box? Casual dress clothes?

Have a blessed day

Angela said...

Hey Tara--I hope your RA slows down & allows you to go barefoot for years to come.

Ash--I can tell you have a computer back in your house. Hooray! I wore the brown shoes with jeans when Carl & I went out Saturday night. We saw "Vantage Point," by the way. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, your shoes are definitely better looking than an animal on the wall!!! I love the shoes on the left!!

Laurie said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I LOVE your mom. And I love the pix you posted along with this post. I always reassure myself about my expensive fizzy imported water habit by comparing it to my husband's Guinness purchases. xoxox

Angela said...

Hi Tonya and thank you! It's good to see you here again!

Laurie: yeah, moms are the best! Enjoy every last bubble of your fizzy drink with the knowledge that it's GOOD for you (compared to Guinness)!

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I found your blog googling "Rheumatoid arthritis shoes"!

I also have RA, and I've resigned to wearing sneakers to work even.

Can you tell me the name of the dressy shoes in your picture?? I could possibly get away w/ wearing those w/ a pantsuit...

I can't wait to read your blog some more!!


Angela said...

Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment! The black dressier shoes were made by Keen footweear. They were part of their 2007 fall line and I wasn't able to find them on their website, which is http://www.keenfootwear.com . However, a local store might still have them in stock at CLEARANCE prices. Woohoo! Both of the brown pairs of shoes are by Born and their website is http://www.bornshoes.com . I purchased all the dress shoes at one store. I purchased the springy shoes at a different store. I hope this helps!