Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update on Katherine

(update: my link no longer works...sorry to those of you reading this late. The local news removed it from their archives.)

According to our local news telecast Katherine (see post below) is in critical condition in a Kansas City hospital. If you click that link, you'll hear more information and see some interesting footage. Yesterday Hannah's teacher informed us that Katherine made it through surgery, but the surgeon could not remove the bullet. As of yesterday, she was paralyzed on her left side.

Two separate people informed me that Katherine was "responsive." I don't know exactly what that meant, but it certainly sounds hopeful.

As a result of Hannah's brain malformation, I have researched the human brain...a little. Children's brains are amazing, constantly changing organs that continue to surprise even the most educated, the most skeptical. I choose to hope and to pray that Katherine's brain will re-route itself and create new synapses and pathways to replace the damaged ones and return her to her former sweet, innocent, whole self.

Between the power of God and the abilities of the human brain, I don't believe I'm hoping or praying for too much. In fact, maybe I'm not hoping and praying for enough.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. Ever since I read your last post, I haven't been able to get the little girl out of my mind . . .

Anonymous said...

I don't believe we can ever hope or pray too much--especially when it comes to our children. Hugs to you!

Tonya said...

Angela, Thank you so much for the updates. When Katherine was younger I had the opportunity to visit her house every 6 weeks or so, she is such a delightful little girl. It breaks my heart, but I am praying for a miracle. So, no I don't think we can pray for too much! Please continue to keep us updated.

Angela said...

Thank you all for your thoughts. Katherine continues to improve, which I believe is due to prayer.

Tonya--did you get an account? Are you Tonya S.?

Tara R. said...

I watched the news video... so tragic. I will keep praying for her recovery.