Sunday, December 9, 2007

It Sounds Like a War Zone Out There!

I can see our neighbor's oak tree from my front window. The accumulated ice has forced the branches to bow to it's authority, leaving the tree open and vulnerable at it's crown like a huge mouth that can't close itself.

Carl and I drove around earlier today to see if the power was out all over town, like at our house. It was. We drove around longer just to take in the eerie, stunning sight. A thick sheet of ice wrapped every visible surface in a surreal Christmas-like spirit and icicles hung, dripping from power lines and roofs. Limbs were down everywhere, breaking chain link fences, covering lawns, blocking driveways. As they cracked free, they sounded like rifle shots going off all over town, then littered lawns like casualties of war.

Later, in the safety of our house, one of our own tree limbs snapped, then boomed on our roof like a bomb. I was talking on the phone when it happened and said something like, "Oh no! Oh my God!" just before we lost our telephone connection, like in a low-budget movie. My friend called me back to make sure I was OK and we laughed and laughed at the whole situation.

Thankfully our electricity has returned and we have a back-up generator, plenty of batteries and candles, as well as some awesome subzero sleeping bags. We're ready. And we're blessed. We don't HAVE to have electricity. It's a convenience, not a requirement for life. We're thinking & praying for you Isabella ( ), because we know you need electricity for your vent. We'll fight that battle with prayer while the trees continue their war with nature outside.


Megan said...

Thank you for your prayers. For a minute there we thought we were going to have to pack up and head to Parsons. However, it seems like all is well for now. We are warm and comfortable. Erin and the kids are here and we are just having a great family night!!
Love ya

Angela said...

Here's a late "you're welcome." I'm glad you got to make some fun of the mess. There's a kind of excitement in the air that only comes out of hiding when storms hit.
I guess it's back to normal today.
Love you guys!