Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thoughts on Hannah Savannah

She returned from Mass not five minutes ago and she's already naked. Hannah, that is. I don't know if it's the Sensory Integration Dysfunction, or habit that keeps her naked three-fourths of the time. I haven't written much about Hannah lately, primarily because she has improved dramatically since the beginning of the school year. Either that or I've become numb to her outbursts.

No, Hannah has improved. It has been weeks since her teachers have complained that she gawked around rather than focus on seatwork. Her meltdowns have decreased by at least 70% and their severity is markedly reduced (though far from "normal"). We had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Rachel, her therapist, Friday but Dr. Rachel called in sick. I was relieved because I have not been feeling quite right myself and dreaded the trip to Joplin.

Actually, I've been thinking of discontinuing Hannah's therapist visits. Dr. Rachel has been instrumental in pointing me in the right direction: looking into SID, testing Hannah for sensory issues, working with Hannah's school to provide occupational therapy, etc. Aside from all of that, simply having a direction in which to be pointed has been a relief! Nevertheless, treatment for SID seems to be centered around occupational therapy. In addition I have an appointment with a child psychiatrist (or is it psychologist??? Whichever can prescribe medications) so that we have our foot in the door in the event Hannah needs medicated. (Do you suppose that doctor can medicate the mother as well? Ha!). Those two professionals will probably replace Dr. Rachel--an excellent example of someone doing her job so well that she worked herself right out of her job.

No, I don't have any plans to medicate Hannah. Dr. Rachel suggested, and I agreed, that Hannah might require temporary medication if she continued to harm herself (biting herself until she bled, banging her head, etc), at least until Hannah could learn better self-soothing skills. At this point, Hannah's self-harm has decreased markedly and will hopefully continue to do so even more once we begin occupational therapy.

So, in light of all that, a little nakedness seems minor and quite tolerable. Hopefully occupational therapy will help even that. Otherwise I could buy Hannah some velvet underwear, silk pants and a cottony-soft shirt. Do you suppose she would keep those on?

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