Friday, October 12, 2007

Yes, Megan, Miracles DO Happen (prayer request update)

I called Dad today about Keaton (see prayer request blog of October 9) and Dad's exact words to me were, "You're not going to believe this, Angela, but the tumor was benign."


After the goose bumps settled out of my skin and I finished whooping joyfully, I asked Dad why the doctors thought it was cancerous in the first place. They hadn't done a biopsy, had they? No, they hadn't done a biopsy, but the tumor had cancer-like tentacles, so they assumed it was cancerous. They've removed the tumor (without shaving Keaton's head, by the way) and Keaton is already acting like Keaton, so I'm told. The eleven-year-old returns home in ten days.

Now that I've had time to process all of this, I've considered Dad's statement above. Actually, I DO believe this. I DO believe in the power of prayer. I can't say that I understand why these prayers were answered while other equally-powerful and worthy prayers were not, but I am still uplifted.

So, Keaton, if you ever read this...God must have something pretty important for you to do.

For everyone who prayed...thank you. You know what? God has something pretty important for us to do, too.


Just Do It Posterchild said...

I am soooooooooo glad. I was really praying hard for Keaton after you told me about the little guy. It hit home with us having children the same age. God is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,

Just Do It Posterchild said...
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Megan said...

Yeah!!! Miracles do happen!!! That is such good news. I am having a sort of down day, so that help!!