Saturday, October 6, 2007

Reading & Reading & Reading & Sanding

This isn't going to be much of a post. Some books I ordered from arrived, so when I haven't been sanding the woodwork in Katie's & Hailey's room (in preparation for the arrival of Grandma Janis, wonderworker extraordinaire), I have been voraciously reading about Dandy-Walker and Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Boring to you, maybe, but fascinating to me! Remember the upsidedown puzzle I mentioned in my last entry? Some of those pieces are flipping over.

When Hannah was younger, my friend Sheri commented on numerous occasions that Hannah is very "tactile." I remember being puzzled every time Sheri mentioned it, which was fairly frequently. Aside from hating to wear polyester shirts in the summertime, I'm decidedly UNtactile. Who knew there was an entire group of people out there who chose their clothes based on the "feel" of the material as much as the appearance of its design??? Certainly not I.

As it turns out, Sheri noticed something about Hannah that I didn't even KNOW to notice, but her experience has given me a greater understanding as I progress through the puzzlement. Isn't God good--providing a friend with that particular understanding at that particular time of my life.

I intend to finish the book recommended by Hannah's therapist, The Out of Sync Child, before Hannah's next appointment (this Friday Oct. 12), so don't be surprised if you don't read much here before then...although I want to post an update regarding the aardvark...I mean deer decoy.


Just Do It Posterchild said...

Keep at it...........Hannah will be that easy to do puzzle that we all understand before you know it. Love ya,

Megan said...

Praying for you always.
Love Megan