Wednesday, September 24, 2008

M a t

Hannah read her first word! Mat. I have some Bob Books ("Bob Books" is linked, but my brown background doesn't show it) saved from the days when I taught Katie and Hailey to read. That in itself is worth posting: that I still have the books, that they are still intact and that Katie I was able to find them. Truthfully, I thought I had disposed of them years ago, but Katie proved me wrong by retrieving them last night.

I was somewhat surprised when Hannah knew the sounds that each letter made. Involved mother that I am, I didn't realize she was learning that. I certainly didn't teach her.

Her attempt to read the word went something like this.

Hannah: "Emm...ay-aaa...tuh-tee."

Me: "No, Hannah, you just say the sound. You don't name the letter. Like this. Mmm...aaaa....tuh."

Hannah: "Mmmmm...aaaaa....tuh-tee." Close.

Me: "OK, put them all together." And eventually she did!

This jolly fellow possessed the next name she read.

And this is how she read it:

We're getting there.


Tara R. said...

How exciting! A whole new world is about to open up for Hannah. Wow... I just got goosebumps!

Angela said...

No kidding--I'm pumped! She's even been sounding words out when I'm not sitting with her. She's so proud.

Laurie said...

It always fascinates me to see how kids try to apply what they are learning. The S-AAA-MMMat story is funny, but so typical of how they approximate. Rose uses her understanding of language in perfectly reasonable ways: yesternight, and lastertime.

Lil' This...Lil' That... said...

This is just TOO cool! I love how their lil' brains piece things together! GOOD JOB HANNAH!

Angela said...

Laurie: I laughed out loud! Lastertime! he he


Angela said...

Penny--It's fun to see Hannah's wheels turn. We're pretty excited about this.