Thursday, June 26, 2008

What is Your Gift?

I took the girls to the library to watch the magic show it hosted as part of the summer reading program. Afterwards, as the girls played and read, I talked to a local celebrity-of-sorts, Ted Watts, a nationally renowned sports artist, as well as the husband of Hailey's fourth grade teacher.

As we visited he pointed out some of his own artwork that he had donated to the library, sports artwork in the adult sections of the library as well as a rendition of Pinocchio that he had painted on some brown paper-sack-like paper. I would never have known he painted the Pinocchio, as it's not his usual genre (is "genre" applicable to painting?)

He said something that stuck with me: "I assumed everyone could draw like I could until I saw what the other kids drew in grade school." Is it normal human nature for us to assume everyone has our gifts, but we are the only ones with our faults?

My mom thought everyone knew how to organize and keep things orderly until I recently pointed out to her that I hadn't a clue. I have to concentrate to accomplish what she does without thinking. Of course, some of my inability to keep things straightened might have a little to do with rebellion...maybe I should make a point to grow out of that soon.

I'm still surprised when I learn that others don't spend as much time thinking as I do...though I'm not sure if that's a gift or a curse. Sometimes--make that often--I spend so much time in my mind that I neglect the here-and-now.

Do you have a gift that you've only recently discovered is a "gift?"


Tara R. said...

Not yet, but I still haven't decided what I want to do when I grow up. :D I wish I had something I can do that is uniquely me... but I got nothing really.

Angela said...

Tara: Yeah, except...write!