Monday, February 11, 2008

Do You See the Resemblance?

Today I read a book with my back to the table where Carl and the girls made "puppet heads" from clothes pins and assorted craft supplies. I heard Carl ask, "What do you girls think of this one?"

Katie replied without hesitation, "It's mom!" I turned to see this.

Please tell me you don't see the resemblance...

A few minutes later Carl, again when my back was turned, used a cartoonish womanly voice to make the puppet head say, "Hi. I'm Angela." Then he used a different womanly voice to say, "And I'm her sister, Ashley." Again I turned around.

This is you, Ashley. Evidently you became Bahamian when I wasn't looking...

This is how Hannah took part...

I hope you all are staying warm and having a giggle at our expense.


Just Do It Posterchild said...

Jenna and I can definitely see the resemblance!!!! Wow, what a hoot!!! Jenna and I sure did give a chuckle!! (We were both having trouble sleeping!!)

Luv ya,

Angela said...

I laughed, too, after I got over the initial incredulousness! :)

11:18!!! You crazy girls--