Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Overheard Imaginary Conversations

Read this in a British accent and imagine Hailey playing with play-dough:

"String cheese! Just use string cheese!! Of course, daahling, everyone loves string cheese on their pizza...or just use three huhndred kinds of cheese."


"What ah you doing, dahling?" Hailey asks the Invisible Pizza Person.

Invisible Pizza Person responds, "I'm making a wall."

"Whateveh for?"

"Why to hold in all the cheese, dahling."

More silence.

"Now what are you doing?" Hailey asks the Invisible Pizza Person.

Invisible Pizza Person replies, "Making pepperoni with a rolling pin, of course, dahling. But it's difficult making 300 pepperonis with a rolling pin."

Silence again...

"No more chances! I've given you more than thuhty chances. Your chances are all down the toilet!" I have no idea what she's talking about. "Look at all these puhfect pepperonis!"

Evidently Hailey doesn't know that pizza is typically considered ITALIAN and not BRITISH.

1 comment:

Just Do It Posterchild said...

It's called "Artistic License". Geesh, Ang, didn't you know!!