Wednesday, January 16, 2008

(No) Fun with the Flu

We have the flu here. Carl was first on Friday, followed by Hannah & Katie on Sunday. Katie missed school Monday, but it is such a short-lived flu that Hannah made it to school Monday.

I'm bummed because it hit me yesterday afternoon, so I had to miss an awesomely planned Tuesday Tranquility: I had an appointment at The Oasis Salon and Day Spa to use a gift certificate Carl gave me months ago. I would have received a 30-minute massage, a new cut & style along with having my nails filled. Instead, I spent the evening in bed while my awesome babysitter watched the girls. I never realize the importance of having a good support system when living far from family...until I'm sick. Hannah still had a mild case of diarrhea. There's nothing much worse than keeping up with THAT when I already feel like I'm gonna, um, lose my lunch.

I'm feeling better, though still weak, today. Hailey is home with it. I'm glad we all got over it before my niece and nephew come to stay with us next week while my sister & her husband enjoy a well-deserved trip to Vegas. Actually, my sis is pregnant and not a gambler, so hopefully she'll still find a way to enjoy the trip. Just getting away from mommy-hood (except for number 5 she'll be bringing inside her) would be a huge relief to me.

I have two posts started that I was unable to finish because of this flu bug. Yesterday was Hailey's TENTH birthday. Ten???!!! I have some photos to post as soon as I feel up to tackling my scanner. Be sure to check back later!

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