Saturday, November 3, 2007

For the Record

Katie, my eleven-year-old, never wants a car; she only wants a golf cart. Of this I have been assured on numerous occasions. Tonight I asked her, "Do you want a cute golf cart? What kind of golf cart?"

Her verbatim answer: "Umm. Just pretty much a golf cart."

I have, on the same numerous occasions, informed her that...I wasn't buying it. I know she will assuredly one day turn sixteen and desire an actual car, a car that can--at a bare minimum--reach 55 and provide protection from the elements.

No, they make plastic golf cart covers, she tells me. She guarantees that she will only require a golf cart. And the electricity with which to charge it.

As gasoline hits $3 a gallon with promises of skyrocketing, I decided to place this post for the record. In September, 2012 Katie will turn sixteen. At that time I will scrounge around for this blog post, wrap it with a ridiculous red ribbon and wish her a happy birthday.

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