Monday, April 12, 2010

A Little Overwhelm

Why oh why do I wait until the last minute to prepare our taxes? It's not as if April 15 is a surprise, that it suddenly arrives a month earlier than expected. It's not as if I'm playing outside during the bleak months of January and February. I shamefully procrastinate year after year, then crazily double check inventories, try to decipher strange accounting entries I made over a year ago and scramble through my "piles" of paperwork looking for stray forms and letters--all for our business, which operates in three (count 'em -- THREE) states.


This year has been slightly more hectic because I co-taught Katie's Confirmation class and Confirmation occurred a mere 5 days before tax day. I also volunteered to co-organize the track meet concession stands at the three home track meets in order to raise money for Katie's class trip next year--the first meet was held April 6.

April 6, April 10, April 15--all those countdowns coincided.

In addition to that, yesterday Hannah stuck something in her ear...AGAIN. My blog posts have been so sparse that I have failed to record the ear odyssey: this is the fourth time this school year that Hannah has shoved something so far into her right ear that I've had to take her to the doctor to remove it. One of those times the local doc couldn't grasp the smooth, round popcorn kernel and I had to take her to her ENT pediatrician, who used a special tool (with a special price) to suck it out. Is it strange to be thankful that the current occupant of her ear appears rough and rock-like? Yesterday her nostrils were blue as was the snot running out of them, apparently a result of blue M&Ms. At least they melt.

Wait. There's more. I pulled a crown off of my back molar while eating a caramel Friday. I broke a weak tooth a couple of months ago as a result of caramel. Evidently failure to learn lessons is a weakness in my family--Hannah won't keep foreign objects out of her ear and I don't keep caramel out of my mouth.

Today I need to (want to) drive to Commerce, Oklahoma to watch Katie run the mile and half mile in her first-ever track meet, before that I need to drive 20 miles in the opposite direction to refill a prescription, I need to schedule an appointment to remove the rock from Hannah's ear, I need to get organized so I can complete taxes, I need to...I need to...



Anonymous said...


I feel you... April and May are always some of the most stressful times of the year for me with school.

good luck!

Tara R. said...

I think the blue M&M thing would have freaked me out until I knew what it was.

I hope you and yours get a little relief and relaxation time very soon.

Anonymous said...

And the very best way to procrastinate is to write about procrastination! It works every time. . . .

Allison C.

Laurie said...

poor baby! I have been insane, too, and May is actually harder for me. P. does our taxes, lucky me. But what about prescription refills through the mail? Love you