Thursday, June 25, 2009

You're Invited

Saturday I turn forty-one, just a heartbeat away from being fifty. I don't mind being in my forties, but turning fifty just sounds old. Am I borrowing trouble?

I have no plans for my 41st birthday yet. I've been feeling crummy the last few days and discovered yesterday that it's the result of an abscessed tooth. Until the antibiotics kick in, I won't feel like planning anything except a movie marathon viewed from my couch.

That's where you come in. Shamelessly piggy-backing on my blogger buddy, Tara's, idea, I'm planning a last-minute cyber-birthday party. All you have to do is post your favorite party food or drink recipe in the comments, along with any other celebration ideas or thoughts, and Saturday we PARTY! Virtual party, of course. Consider yourself invited--no R.S.V.P. required.


Anonymous said...

I'll bring the Cajun trail mix! Happy Birthday -- this time for real!!!

Allison (in Parsons)

Tara R. said...

Happy Birthday! I'll bring artichoke/spinach dip, and beer.

Laurie said...

My mom sometimes makes me a cake from scratch. White cake. With toffee frosting. Want some for your birthday?