Tuesday, February 24, 2009


A month ago Carl took Hannah with him to run a few errands. On their way home Hannah gave me a call on Carl's cell phone.

"Hi Mom!" She sounded both surprised and excited to hear my voice, even though she was the one that called.

"Hi Hannah. What are you doing?"

"Mom! It's me! Hannah!" she replied with more effervescent enthusiasm.

"I know, Hannah. What are you doing?"

"Riding in Daddy's truck."

"What have you been doing with Daddy today?"

"We eat at Barbie's," she answered.

"Barbie's. What's Barbie's?" I went through a mental list of potential places they could have gone that Hannah might call Barbie's, but nothing came to mind.

"We eat at Barbie's," she repeated as if I didn't hear her the first time.

"What did you eat at Barbie's?" I asked, still trying to narrow things down.

"Chicken," she replied. That answer confuses me to this day.

"Chicken? At Barbie's?" I paused. "Let me talk to your dad."

After some shuffling noises, Carl got on the phone.

"Where did you and Hannah eat today?" I asked him. You'll never guess what the answer was. Scroll on down...

Keep scrolling....

Almost there....

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Tara R. said...

Shows ya where my mind went, I thought he took her to Hooters. You can get chicken there! Glad I was wrong.