Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For Christmas I Want...

Last night we watched The Last of the Mohicans. Hailey asked, "What's a Mohican? Isn't that something you wear on your foot?"

Yeah, I'd like a pair of mohicans for Christmas.


I apologize for the ridiculous delay between this post and my last. First and foremost I must make a clarification for those family members who have checked this blog over the past month only to see the same face gracing the page. That is NOT Isaac. That is NOT Carl. It's...


And his fashion sense hasn't improved much. heh heh.

Sheesh, so much has happened this past month-and-a-half. I fought an infection that took me away from blogging, then swore I would post "soon." Have you ever needed to send a thank you card, but procrastinated until you felt your simple card should include a personal letter as well? Only you didn't write the short personal letter, you procrastinated so much longer that you felt obligated to deliver the thank you personally with a gift or a batch of cookies or some such thing?

That's how the blogging procrastination effected me. I wrote a couple of posts explaining my absence, but they were somewhat depressing and, well, blah. So I deleted them. The next week I felt like I owed my reader (now singular I fear) something especially witty or funny to make up for the delay. Did I do that? Obviously, no. Instead I left Ed's face on my front page and wasted hours upon hours reading J.D. Robb novels, I'm ashamed to admit.

Finally, I postponed what now felt like an obligation to write the blog equivalent of War and Peace by beginning an unbelievably time consuming Christmas gift project. When will I ever learn that I am NOT a crafty person? To those of you who will receive these homemade gifts, I only ask: please, act as if you love them. OK?

So, over the next few days I will write about Hannah's excellent IEP, the fact that I am a deer-hunting widow now that the rut is on, and my recent membership at the YMCA where I am by far the youngest member of their arthritis aquacize class.

I only hope this post is long enough that you are now required to scroll down before you see Ed's face.


Laurie said...

yep- I was able to visit and read WITHOUT seeing Ed at all. And no, I never really knew who that kid was in the pic. Come to think of it, I still don't. Who's Ed?
Welcome back...xoxoxox!!!!!

Angela said...

Oops! Ed is my brother-in-law (my sister's husband) who deserves, more than anything else, to have as much cr** as possible dumped on him...with love, of course. :)

Thanks for the welcome.


Tonya said...

So, glad you're back! From the looks of it, you at least have 2 readers:)

Tara R. said...

Good to have you back and glad you're feeling better. BILs are fair game all year long aren't they? My condolences on deer season. ;)

Megan said...

Welcome Back!!! I always love reading your blog.

Angela said...

Tonya: Yea! Plural readers!

Tara: Thanks for the welcome. Yes, this BIL in particular is a frequent target of mine. And I'm considering wearing black after today...as a widow I mean.

Megan: Hi! Thank you! How have you been feeling lately. Are you well into that second trimester now?

Megan said...