Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Pep Talk to Me

Are you sick of hearing about the economy, yet? Does it feel like everywhere you turn, there's another talking head, another politician, another piece of news warning us that we are dangerously close to another Great Depression? Even soft news about something like, say, skin care products contains a monetary twist: "Even in today's economy, it's important to use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen."

Normally I tune this stuff out. Carl and I are far (very, very from-here-to-Pluto-far) from wealthy, but we live modestly in a small town where the cost of living is bearable. Around here you can purchase a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house on a lot larger than a postage stamp for under $100,000. Not a new house, of course, but still. I have my complaints about my water bill, but that's about it. Until lately.

It's the beginning of the month and the end of the previous quarter. Quarterly sales taxes are due and the usual bills fill my mailbox, as well as a few unusual ones (can you believe they are actually billing me for those ER visits I made in Colorado?). Carl and I awoke early this morning, brewed a pot of coffee and he paid personal bills while I entered the last of last month's invoices into the computer and prepared statements for our customers.

Car sales are down nearly 20% from last year and our receivables show it. We do most of our work for car dealerships and people don't need new cruise controls in their cars if they aren't buying new cars. On top of that, we don't sell necessities. When a person is trying to decide between being able to start his car from the house or being able to buy groceries for that same house, the decision is a simple one. We've been in this business for over twelve years now and have never had a down month until now. This is new to me.

Now that you know more than you wanted, I'll get to the point of my post. A list. I know that comes as a surprise, my making a list, but this is my way of gaining a sense of control over a somewhat out-of-my-control situation.

~What I Will NOT Do~

  1. I will not begin arguing with my husband about money or pointing out every little mistake he made to get us in this situation.

  2. I will not participate in retail therapy.

  3. I will not bury my head in the sand.

  4. I will not stop contributing to our IRAs.

  5. I will not sign up for cable like I had hoped.

~What I WILL Do~

  1. I will begin opening all of my mail every day (sounds like a no-brainer, huh? See number three above.)

  2. I will cancel my land line telephone.

  3. I will operate entirely from cash and cease using my credit card except for fuel (hey, I get a 3% discount, and with today's gas prices...).

  4. I will begin cooking from scratch again, using beans. Lots and lots of cheap beans.

  5. I will splurge for nicely scented candles to deal with the aftermath of number 4.

  6. I will fix Carl's lunch with a smile on my face (maybe not the smile part).

  7. I will learn how to ebay all the clutter sitting around my house.

  8. I will begin planning a frugal Christmas NOW.

We are a long way from the poor house or bankruptcy court, but I need to feel like I can DO something, like I'm not some helpless little victim. For me, that begins with a list. My list is my pep talk.

Rah rah rah, An-ge-lah...


Tonya said...

Love your list! We just did #4 (beans) last night, and are working on #8 (frugal Christmas).

Tara R. said...

I really like you 'will do' list and plan on 'borrowing' extensively from it.

Angela said...

Tonya: now, what aisle are the beans on? It's been a while. As for my frugal Christmas: somehow I need to convince the parents of my 21 neices and nephews.

Tara--borrow away!

Anonymous said...

raw rah raw to angela!! i liked your list, beany

Lil' This...Lil' That... said...

21 nieces and nephews???? I thought my 14 or so was bad!!! Wowza :)