My infant blog has made it to birthday number one. See the confetti fly! Hear the noise makers squawk, rattle and ffffttt! What began as a creative outlet doubling as a means for collecting memories has transformed into a minor obsession.
Now that I have completed the requisite festival description, I'll get down to reality. I don't actually hear noise makers; I only hear a distant train under a quiet rain shower's tapping against the leaves and sidewalk outside. Carl has taken Hannah to help the Knights of Columbus prepare a breakfast for the town's city-wide garage salers and the house is blessedly silent...and orange. In spite of the clouds caused by the shower, the sunrise is casting a beautifully odd orange glow into my living room. It's magical.
These real-life sights and sounds are better than any meditative CD and have made me introspective. This past year I've learned that this blog has similarities to my own children. When I give it lots of attention, it thrives. When I tire of it and avoid it, I feel guilty. Consistency provides better long-term results than hyperattentiveness followed by a major crash-and-burn. As with everything in life, balance is the key.
Last year marked the beginning of my girls' public school career as well as my own entrance into the public school system as a mom and volunteer. I felt as green as I was. Now, sensing my own seasoning, I'm experiencing a little discontent, a mild sensation of Now What? For the first time in twelve years I have free, uninterrupted time. How shall I spend it? What do I want to be when I grow up?
When I mentioned this to Carl he said, "I thought you'd want to be a housewife." Nothing against housewives, but YUCK! My immediate, uncensored thought was what a waste. Not only that, but I stink at it. My dislike of cleaning is magnified by the extra effort and arthritic pain required to accomplish it. I enjoy cooking...when I feel like it. I have excellent decorating ideas, but my abilities stop there.
Before you judge me a spoiled brat, realize that the previous, succinct paragraph summarizes twelve years. That's 624 weeks--4380 days (not calculating leap years)--of meal planning, laundry completing (only to begin again), toilet scrubbing, bed-making (OK, I don't actually make beds), and cleaning, on top of the more-than-part-time job of bookkeeping for our family business. Those years include the planning of twelve Christmases and forty birthdays for my husband and children. In the summer those same years incorporated mowing, planting, weeding, spraying and whatever-else my yard has needed. My point is NOT look at everything I've done. My point IS: I've done those things and I've done them
But what?
I've considered completing my degree. I have more than 125 hours of college credits under my belt in music and accounting, but I have no degree to show for them. I started to explain my limitations in finishing those fields, but realized I was merely making excuses. The truth is, they don't appeal to me any more.
What does appeal to me? Writing. I like to write. LOVE to write. If I could complete the college degree of my choice, it would be a creative writing degree. How impractical is that? Nevertheless, I've downloaded the forms necessary to transfer my college transcripts to a local university, just for kicks.
One serendipity of arthritis is that my "someday" is as limited as my body. You know, someday I'm going to ____________. If I don't do things today, I may not get to do them at all. I don't have the luxury of waiting until I'm eighty to finish a useless degree. I need to waste that time NOW.
So, happy birthday, blog. And happy BIRTHday future.
Congrats on your one-year milestone. Go for the college degree that would make you the happiest, if that is creative writing ~ go for it! Think of all the essays you already have (posts) that you could use in class. Good luck and best wishes for a new blogging year.
Thanks Tara--I'll be contemplating the next step for a while...at least until January.
hi angela -- happy one year.
and just do it. if you want it, go for it. don't let anything stand in the way of a dream of yours.
beany :)
Yea!!! Go for that degree!!! And, have fun while you're doing it!!!:)
Kathleeny-beany: Thank you for the encouragement. Funny, I hadn't specifically thought of it as a "dream," but you're right. It is.
Tonya--Long time no see! I hope all is well up north. I'm looking forward to being back in the classroom. I'm one of those geeks that has always thought school was fun.
it's a dream that you get to realize!
stay strong,
happy sunday,
kathleenybeany :)
I'm glad that things are going smoothly enough for you to take a look up from the road. Whatever you do, I know you'll do it with all your heart, smarts and integrity. And you'll keep on changing the world.
Love you.
too funny. your honesty is refreshing and well, humorous. I love it. Hang a sign on your door that simply explains that dear Martha does NOT live in your home. best of luck with your studies.
Laurie: I'm glad, too. Thank you for the kind words. "Heart, smarts and integrity": I don't know that those are applicable, but it sure sounds good!
Deborah: No kidding. Believe me, Martha doesn't live here and would cringe if she visited.
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