Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Fever is a Pre-existing Condition

No insurance company, no second party, pays for pre-existing conditions. Any expenses incurred must be paid out-of-pocket.

Every year for the past umpteen years I have repeated the same mistakes, in this order:

1. I don't take care of myself during the long, dark winter & struggle with a little seasonal depression.

2. During said seasonal depression, I procrastinate the completion of my taxes.

3. I work like a madwoman from April 1 through April 15 completing my the expense of everything else like paying bills, doing laundry, cleaning house, grocery shopping.

4. I mail said taxes on April 15, after which I return to a destroyed house devoid of food or clean laundry.

5. Feeling overwhelmed, I spend ridiculous amounts of time on the computer and complete one or two novels while my house deteriorates around me.

6. On the first sunny, warm day after April 15 I fantasize about a landscaped yard, step over the piles of laundry/papers/what-is-that to drive to the greenhouse and purchase bedding plants.

7. Return home and repeat number five.

In the meantime, late fees accumulate in this pile...

and bedding plants remain in their containers like so:

I'm sad to admit that I've been known to throw away an entire flat of plants because I failed to get them into the ground. I vow that 2008 will be different. However, for one more afternoon I'll procrastinate, click on "publish," and wish for that magic insurance policy that will pay for expenses resulting from bad habits.

Really, though, I need to live by this quote from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants: "Wish for what you want, work for what you need."


Laurie said...

I can't even begin to comment on all of the chilling visions THAT post gave me. Oh, wait. Those aren't visions. THAT'S MY LIFE.

Angela said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one! Maybe I'll climb out of the mess this weekend...maybe. I have some good books calling my name, though.