Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My 10-Year-Old Party Girl

Katie and Hailey mispronounced several words when they were toddlers and even into their adolescence. Katie said ho-tail for "hotel" until I finally corrected her last year. Hailey still occasionally says ack-ee-hawl instead of "alcohol," but at least realizes it. We joke about those and other words, imitating and emphasizing the mispronunciations for a big laugh...among family.

Recently the girls went to a friend's house to play. As the friend's mom drove them home, the girls giggled in the back seat and Hailey blurted out, "We like to drink ack-ee-hawl at the ho-tail!" I can only imagine what the mom thought. I probably ought to call her to clarify.


Note: My computer returned home today! Hooray!!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, gotta love it! LOL!

Angela said...

Yeah, she's a riot!