Monday, February 4, 2008

Padded Bathroom

GO GIANTS! We had a little Superbowl party here at the Solomon house: ridiculous amounts of food, a color-confused hostess (were the Giants in white or blue???), and an uncertain moment when Hannah was accused of pooping her pants...but she hadn't. Who was the culprit? No one's admitting anything, though I recall someone "taking out the trash." Wink, wink.

Jeff was the only person I recall using the bathroom that evening (this is a separate topic than that of the first paragraph, by the way). Imagine my dismay when I went into our bathroom after our guests left and found that Hannah had unwrapped 8 or 10, er, feminine pads and scattered them around the bathroom floor. Did she do that before or after Jeff was in there? Please, God, let it be after!

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