Friday, February 29, 2008

Life Lessons

When Hailey got home from school today she told me, "I had two embarrassing things happen to me today."

"Oh, really? What?" I asked as I sat by Carl.

"Well, first I chased a ball out into the mud when I wasn't supposed to and Mrs. K got mad. Really mad."

"Oh wow," I said, trying to sound sympathetic, but really. That's embarrassing? "What was the second thing?"

"I accidentally farted in Math class."

I couldn't help but laugh.

Carl, however, turned it into a teaching moment. "Next time look at the boy next to you and say his name like he did it." Hicks. We're becoming a bunch of hicks.

By the way, I promised Hailey that no one from her school reads my she gave me permission to tell this story. I only hope I told the truth.


Tara R. said...

At least the gas emissions did occur in science... I like Carl's tactic. Blame stuff like that on my kids all the time. =)

Angela said...

Carl always comes up with the good ones. I'm not so quick on my feet! :)