Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Diet from an Unexpected Source

Along with thousands--maybe millions--of people, I am implementing a new diet. Unlike a large percentage of those thousands or millions, I'm not trying to lose weight. I could stand to lose many lumps of cellulite and firm up the pounds I do carry, but at 106 pounds, my weight is fine. Maybe even a little low.

So why am I going on a diet? I'm tired of feeling crummy, tired of brain fog, and I believe that our bodies are "amazing self-righting machines." (That's actually a quote from a Northern Exposure episode that's still rolling around in my brain.) Yesterday I completed my first day of Dr. Perricone's Three-Day Nutritional Face-lift. Yeah, I could use a face-lift, but again--that's not my goal.

Dr. Perricone's diet is based on the theory that wrinkles--all signs of aging for that matter--are a result of inflammation. Inflammation. The root of all arthritic damage. Can you guess who steered me towards this diet? My rheumatologist? Maybe a wrinkly friend? No--it was my OB/GYN...and a male OB/GYN at that. I don't recall exactly why he adhered to the diet, but in the process he realized that the sports injuries from his youth no longer ached.

I wanted to post "I'm getting ready to start a new diet!" yesterday, but I know myself too well. Some people gain satisfaction from setting goals, sharing their goals, then achieving them. I gain satisfaction from simply writing about them...then I stop there. It's as if I feel a sense of value and accomplishment from coming up with a good idea or learning something that the average person may not know. Actually carrying out the plan? I could take it or leave it.

So yesterday I adhered to the diet silently, stifling my desire to tell everyone what I was doing. Today I can say I DID IT! I stuck with day one. Dr. Perricone has a 3-day regimine about which he writes, "The more closely you stick to this diet, the better results you will achieve. After three days, you should be well on your way to controlling inflammation and fluid retention, and as a result your skin will glow and your energy soar."

My energy will soar??? I can't wait!!!

His 28-day Wrinkle-Free Program (read: Inflammation-Free Program) is less restrictive, but much different than my current eating style.

This is all part of a bigger plan I have for myself in regards to the arthritis and my overall health, but I'm not allowing myself to post about that just yet. One day at a time. I WILL say that I've been intrigued by Amy Scher's struggles with Lyme Disease, which have culminated in a journey to India for treatment. I ran across her blog when surfing through the "More from BlogHer" posts on the right side of my blog.

For now, I will focus on today, eating right today, boosting my immune system and looking forward to clearer thinking and less-painful walking. I awoke with a headache, rare for me, so I guess I'm getting rid of some toxins and withdrawing from caffeine and sugar. I hope I start to feel better soon.

Following is my 3-day diet:

8 to 12 oz. water

Omelet made of 3 egg whites & 1 yolk and/or 4- to 6-oz. grilled salmon
½ cup cooked non-instant oatmeal
3-inch slice canteloupe and ¼ cup fresh berries (preferably blueberries)
8 to 12 oz. water

4 to 6 oz. grilled salmon
2 cups romaine lettuce; dress with 1 tablespoon extravirgin olive oil & freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste
3-inch slice canteloupe and ¼ cup fresh berries
8 to 12 oz. water

2 oz. low-salt, sliced chicken breast
4 raw, unsalted hazelnuts
½ green apple
8 to 12 oz. water

4 to 6 oz. grilled salmon
2 cups romaine lettuce (dressed like lunch's)
1 cup steamed asparagus (YUCK), broccoli, or spinach dressed with a little olive oil
3-inch slice cantelouope and ¼ cup fresh berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water

2 oz. low-fat low-salt turkey or chicken breast
½ pear or green apple
3 or 4 almonds or olives
8 to 12 oz. water

I NEVER eat this much food in one day, so that was the hardest part for me. Eating EVERYTHING. I have to admit that I didn't eat the before-bedtime snack yesterday. Today I plan to eat lunch earlier so that all the other meals occur earlier as well. Maybe that will allow me to cram in a before-bedtime snack.

Boring, boring, boring I know...but this is my post for the day!

1 comment:

deborah said...

hmmm. ok, you and I must be like cyber sisters or something. I, too have a strange weight problem. can't eat, too low on the scale and going down. no muscle tone, and getting worse. but thankfully, I don't have a wrinkle issue as of yet. my migraines a re a serious issue. oh, and fibromyalgia has been under serious control with the amount of meds I take for the preventatives fro migraine control. but, I don't want to be on them forever. I may look for that book on amazon