Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bouncing Baby Girl

I originally intended to post the antics acted out here while my niece and nephew visited this week. Believe me, there have been a few. However, I've put together a little impromptu photo album for Ed & Ashley and I don't want to spoil it by posting the stories here...on the off chance that they can't keep themselves from my blog longer than three days during a week in Sin City. Without kids. Ha.

When I followed Hannah through her schoolroom door today, I got an eyeful of Hannah cheeks...the bottom kind. Cute as they may be, I realized I needed to tighten the waistband of her pants. By the way, who is the genius that devised those nifty elastic bands inside of waistbands? You know, the ones with buttonholes so people like myself who are completely incapable of sewing can still "alter" pants. Whoever it is, I hope she's filthy rich. She deserves it. Or "he."

Hannah undressed before nap time (I know, I'm shocked too). Just before putting her baggy pants back on her today, my nephew E and I worked together to tighten the waistband. While we focused down at the pants, Hannah jumped on her bed in my peripheral vision. Boing boing boing boing. I concentrated so hard at making my curled hands hold the elastic just so that I almost succeeded in tuning out the boing boing until I heard boing boing BAM! In an instant Hannah bounced from my peripheral vision into my direct line of sight on the hardwood floor...head first, facing up at me with a how-the-heck-did-I-get-here look. She didn't cry (sensory dysfunction?). None of us moved for a good ten seconds.

Finally I picked her up, she fake cried, and I busted up laughing. Out loud. Almost to tears. I must be mentally imbalanced. When life has been generally good, I've been depressed. My daughter does a header onto the hardwood, I laugh.

I am so ready for February.


Megan said...

Well, still praying!! I tell you what, this is one of the most depressing seasons of my life. You would think that now with Bella home and safe I would snap out of it, but NO!! Well I am sending lots of love your way!!

Angela said...

Hello Megan!
Did you ever consider that while Isabella's health teetered, you had no choice except to be strong & ignore your feelings? Now that she's more stable, you can finally let your guard down, which allows all those stuffed feelings to pop to the surface--yuck and all. That's just my 2 cents from Dr. Angela. That and $1 will buy you one of those new, small Starbucks coffees.

I'm sending love your way, too. Hang in there, Megan.


Laurie said...

Nice to meet you! I know my blog name is pretty much false advertising, but if it brought another Dandy family into my life, it did its job. SO glad you de-lurked and said hello. I can't wait to catch up on your blog, "meet" Hannah, tell you all about Rose, and make friends with you. Have a cup of coffee on me!
Laurie in Denver

Laurie said...

I just had to come back after reading only about two posts from your archives. Ahhh, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. We are two peas in a pod, and so are our Dandy Girls. Been through it with the weighted vest, the PT, OT, Speech, behavior, how-to-discipline... I love your Hannah.