Wednesday, December 19, 2007

She's Back

Hannah's meltdowns continue to decrease in severity and frequency, though we're still far from normal. Frankly, I don't expect that normal and Solomon will ever be used in the same sentence.

Lately her meltdowns consist of any combination of stomping, screaming, biting herself, pulling her hair and/or banging her head on the wall. They often begin abruptly, precipitated by something as benign as NOT being the one to turn off a light, close the curtain...or even to flush the toilet (regardless of who used the toilet).

Ending the meltdowns has been an uncontrollable mystery. She might carry on for fifteen minutes, or we might distract her quickly enough that the meltdown ends in seconds. Lately, though, the scenario has gone something like this:

Carl takes off his own shoes without letting Hannah untie them. Hannah consequently screams and hits herself on the head, but is not soothed by anything obvious, such as stopping the shoe removal and allowing her to help. Carl defines it as Severe Disrobing Anxiety. Whatever. By the time Carl begins the shoe removal process without considering Hannah, Hannah has entered an entirely separate realm, a realm with laws and consequences that I have yet to learn.

The new element is this: Hannah suddenly stops screaming, filling the room with silence broken only by her anxious breaths. She then approaches the nearest adult and says, "I'm back." After that she's calm, as if nothing happened.

Back from where???

If only Hannah's little realm had a name or some written law I could follow. Alas, no. She travels and returns, while I remain here, baffled and helpless.

But at least she comes "back."


Just Do It Posterchild said...

Keep the are doing everything you could possibly do, and that is key.  I wonder where she goes in her mind??!! I think she is improving.  She is definitely only responding with the meltdowns when she is reaching the limit of her endurance.....whether with communications, emotions or physical abilities at an all time low.  I have to tell you....I have had a few meltdowns myself this season. Hope this encourages you.
[Dr.(HAHA)] Sheri

Angela said...

Hello Doc!
Thanks for the encouragement. I agree: Hannah is improving. I hope I'm doing all I can, though I have to admit that Hannah hasn't received as much focus from me during the holiday season as she had at the beginning of the school year.

On the topic of adult meltdowns...I plead the 5th on the grounds that it would most definitely incriminate me!
You and I both know this year has held extra sh...I mean STUFF!

Ho Ho Ho,