Wednesday, December 26, 2007

No New Year's Resolutions Here

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions. Actually, I love making them. I love making lists of any kind. In fact, I would go so far as to say I am an expert list-maker. I have lists printed on bright paper and posted on the refrigerator instructing Katie and Hailey before and after school and immediately before bed. I have shopping lists, to-do lists and lists of requirements for completing the never ending building project. I once ran across an old list of items I hoped to one day acquire (like a specific vacuum cleaner, among about five other things that I can't recall right now) to find that I had acquired them...without actually consulting the list. I even have packing lists for different occasions: mountain vacations, island vacations, weekend trips to Wichita.

Making lists gives me a sense of accomplishment without my actually doing anything. It's deceptive that way. My fulfilled list mentioned above shows me that some form of power is born when list-making, but you and I both know that completing any list requires that one first get off her you-know-what.

Because my mind thinks in list form, I don't need New Year's Resolutions so much as I need momentum and motivation. Ah, that will be my one New Year's Resolution: to find what will motivate me to do what I already know I should be doing and to create some momentum in doing it. Any suggestions???

My own inner critic just answered me: Step one: get off your you-know-what.

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