Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Christmas Poem to You

This one week in every year
Is the week that fills me most with fear
That never will I get things done
Or find a moment just for fun.

Stacks of mail clutter my desk:
Photos Norman-Rockwell-esque,
Bills that I have yet to pay,
Christmas letters that seem to say,

"Look at all you didn't do."
No more time to think things through,
So hurry, scurry, pull out my hair,
Yell at my children, husband beware!

Clean your room! Wrap this present!
No, I don't know how to be pleasant.
No, I don't want to "fool around"
Touch me again--you'll be on the ground!

But wait, halt, count to ten.
This isn't the mindset I want to be in
During a season set 'round a child
Born in a stable surrounded by wild
Beasts and oxen, lambs and such.
Instead, I'll be thankful I have so much:

A husband that loves me, still thinks I'm "hot,"
Though you & I both know that's something I'm NOT.
In spite of several "special needs,"
My children are healthy, I must concede.

My lights are on, my home is warm,
My friends are the kind that stay through a storm.
Hannah Savannah is good for a laugh.
My glass is half full: the better half.

So Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings!
Because you don't know who you're really meeting,
Be aware, look deep in the eyes
Of loved ones and enemies, you might be surprised...
Or maybe you won't...to find at their core
The Child born 2000 years before.

©2007. All Right Reserved

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