Saturday, December 15, 2007

Crack That Whip!

Am I the only woman whose house is a total disaster??? Tonight I have HAD IT and have cracked that whip and gotten my house whipped into some semblance of shape. For any other eighties gals out there, have a good laugh and watch Devo's 1980 music video.

My other video for the night is at "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN!" ...and yes, I'm pi**ing the night away right now. Merry Christmas from the Solomon nuthouse!


Shawn Fumo said...

Hey.. just found your blog (via that Goth versus Innocence). :) Have you ever listened to Polysics at all? They're kind of the spiritual successor to Devo..

This video also features the girl dancer Strong Machine 2 (her dad's stage name is Strong Machine) who is pretty impressive. They also released this version just with her dance routine.

Angela said...

Hey Shawn--glad you stopped by. No, I had never heard of Polysics, but I watched both videos. Jeez, it hurts just to watch that girl!

By the way, it seems appropriate that I first learn of this group by watching a video titled, "I My Me Mine" during the holiday season. Next time the girls start being what-about-me-what-about-me (which isn't very often), I'll be singing "I-My-Me-Mine" to them. I can hear it already..."Mo-om! Stop!"

Merry Christmas!